Police Investigation and Due Forms
The Maharahstra Highways Act, 1955
The Maharahstra Caste Certificate Act, 2000
The Maharahstra Educational Institutions (Regulation of Fee) Act, 2011
The Maharahstra Local Authority Members Disqualification Act, 1986
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Monthly Digest Series of Print Magazines.
Monthly Digest - Supreme Court and Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh High Court
Monthly Digest - Supreme Court and Himachal Pradesh High Court
Monthly Digest - Supreme Court and Punjab and Haryana High Court
Calcutta Civil Judgements
Calcutta Criminal Judgements
Monthly Digest [Civil] - Supreme Court and Bombay High Court
Monthly Digest [Criminal] - Supreme Court and Bombay High Court
Monthly Digest [English - Marathi Diglot] - Supreme Court and Bombay High Court
Monthly Digest - Supreme Court and Gujarat High Court
Monthly Digest - Supreme Court and Karnataka High Court
Monthly Digest - Supreme Court and Kerala High Court
Monthly Digest - Supreme Court and Madras High Court
Monthly Digest - Supreme Court and Andhra and Telangana High Court
All India Acquittal Judgements